June 11, 2016

Health tip for Women: Is It Healthier to Go to Bed Without Undies?


Is It Healthier to Go to Bed Without Undies?
Is It Healthier to Go to Bed Without Undies?

Naija365blog Health Tips for Women
Raise your hand if you grew up with your mother or grandmother urging you to forgo the undies at bedtime in order to "let your lady parts breathe." Yep, I had no idea how common it was until talking about it with some girlfriends on a recent long run. So is it unhealthy to wear underwear to bed? Are you more prone to getting yeast infections?

There's really no right or wrong answer when it comes to going commando or not, because it depends solely on your body and your preference. If you've never had a problem wearing panties to bed, then it's perfectly healthy to continue wearing them. Definitely opt for cotton undies, since this natural material is breathable. Wearing tight underwear or a polyester pair can lock in moisture and lead to yeast infections. If you're uncomfortable with the idea of sleeping with nothing between you and your sheets, try slipping on some loose cotton boxers instead!

On the other hand, if you love to sleep without underwear, then going undies-free is OK, too. Just do what allows you to feel the most comfortable and get the most restful night of sleep. And, if you're prone to yeast infections, allowing more air to reach your lady parts while you snooze may help prevent this issue.
Source: popsugar.com

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