The Tokyo, 61 year old father of two Senji Nakajima has boasted that he is in a mutual relationship with Saori his rubber sex doll girlfriend called after falling for her personality.
Senji bought the life size doll to satisfy his sexual urges six years ago while away from his wife on work duties but then months later Mr Nakajima, from Tokyo claims their physical relationship has blossomed into something more - and they have taken it to another level.
Senji lives with his rubber doll girlfriend in the same house, sleep on the same bed, constantly 'makes love' to her, takes her on shopping sprees strapped to a wheel chair, bathes her and even dresses her up for romantic nights.
Mr Nakajima said:
“She never betrays, not after money.
"I’m tired of modern rational humans. They are“For me, she is more than a doll. Not just a silicon rubber.xx“She needs much help, but still is my perfect partner who shares precious moments with me and enriches my life.”
The love dolls are increasingly popular in Asia where they cost around £4,000.
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