June 12, 2016

Today's Daily Manna Devotional by Pastor W. F Kumuyi - Faith In Trying Times

Pastor W. F Kumuyi
Pastor W. F Kumuyi

Today's Daily Manna Devotional by Pastor W. F Kumuyi
Topic: Faith In Trying Times
Text: Job 1:13-22
Sunday June 12, 2016

Key Verse:
"In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly" (Job 1:22).

A small girl had been promised the privilege of climbing to a nearby hilltop where her brother enjoyed playing. But when she came within sight of the steep, rough path, she drew back in dismay. "Why isn't there a smooth spot anywhere?
It's all bumpy and stony!" she exclaimed. "Yes," said her more experienced older brother. "But how else would we ever climb to the top if it wasn't? The stones and bumps are what we step on to get there". Job seems to have more than enough of those stones and bumps. From the text, we find account of terrible calamities that befell him.

Though in shock over these sudden developments, he remained calm and committed everything into God's hands. We may never be able to find all the reasons why disasters like these happen, especially when they occur in families that are godly and prayerful like Job's. But when they happen, we must remember the promises of God who said He will be with us in times of crisis. He may answer our prayers by taking us away from the crisis or taking the crisis away from us. But sometimes, for reasons best known to Him,

He allows us to pass through the fire and the flood. But He stays right through it with us. God's promises were still as true as ever even as Job passed through the painful experience he had. As believers, we must understand that at the end of our trials and troubles, our lives would be better suited for God's use and we become purified as it is by the fire of our afflictions.

Thought for the day:
The best of God's instruments are purified in the furnace of affliction.

Bible Reading in one Year:
2 SAMUEL 19 - 20

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