Decency is the character of woman and that gives the real picture of what she is and will be if she goes in with you as a wife or friend.
It may not may how sweet and sexy a lady dress that will make her appealing to a man but the more decent she is the more glaring it becomes. Mind you, it is a matter of choice and that must be outlined.
Here is what Baby Blanche said concerning wearing panties
“I love all kinds of lingerie that make a woman feminine because I’m a woman, but I hardly wear panties. This is not because I don’t want to wear them but because the clothes I love to wear wouldn’t permit me to,” she told Showbiz.
“I try as much as possible to act as a lady and not to let my panty lines show just because I like to wear dresses that hug my figure. So if I wear clothes and the outline of my panty is glaring like that I don’t like it,” she explained.
“Being a lady is not only about wearing make-up and Brazilian hair but also comprises the propriety of whatever you’re wearing,” says Baby Blanche.
She adds that she does not worry much about thoughts that she may be sexually assaulted by unscrupulous men because she makes sure she doesn’t go to awkward places at awkward hours.
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