Showing posts with label Social & Dating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social & Dating. Show all posts

July 8, 2016

Love tip: How to improve and last longer on bed to save your relationship

Love tip: How to improve and last longer on bed to save your relationship

Sincerely the most likely problems couple face in marital relationship is all tied down to bed activity (sex). It is cause a lot of problems and has broken many marriages.
It ha also left some couple confused, in dilemma and finally frustrated. But there is a hope as per to garnish, revive your sex life again without regretting why you are together.

To tell you the truth sex is the fountain and beautifer of every marital relationship therefore should not be over looked neither throw aside for some other important things.

You’ve tried crunching baseball stats. You've mentally replayed your last round of golf. You've outlined the steps to making your favorite sandwich. But the more you try to last longer in bed, the faster you finish—and you’re not alone.

“Premature ejaculation is a problem that affects almost every man at some point in his life,” says Thomas J. Walsh, M.D., a urologist at theUniversity of Washington. Continue as you unleash the potential solutions
Credit: men's health, Chidi obasi

June 28, 2016

10 Reasons Why We Must Have S** and Also avoid It

Sex is the mutuality experienced by two opposite sex (Man and Woman) and it was so from the beginning when god created Adam and Eve.
Its primary aim is for pleasure, mutuality and reproduction and it is beneficial to both sex.
But must we avoid sex or wait for it till you hook up (Marry).

Purity and chastity seem to be virtues that have gone out of fashion. The crisis of values ​​has led many young people to see sex as the center of their dating relationship. Sexually active men are considered "winners" and women "experienced," while someone who saves him or herself in chastity is taken to be a prude, sexually incapable, or repressed by the Church. However, the reality is completely the opposite. Let’s take a look at 10 reasons to promote sexual abstinence among our youth.

1. It promotes good communication in dating. When a couple practices abstinence, their communication is good because they are not just focused on pleasure but on the joy of sharing their views and experiences; moreover, their conversations are deeper. By contrast, physical intimacy is an easy way to relate, but it overshadows other forms of communication. It is a way of avoiding the real work involved in emotional intimacy, like talking about deep personal issues and working on the basic differences between the two of you.

2. The friendship in your relationship grows. Physical closeness can lead teenagers think they are emotionally close, when in fact they are not. A romantic relationship essentially consists in cultivating a friendship, and there is no friendship without conversation and shared interests. Personal conversation creates friendships and helps us to discover one another and get to know the other’s qualities and flaws. Some young people are driven by passion, and when they get to know each other more deeply, they end up disenchanted. And they did not get to know each other because they never got to be friends; instead, they were "friends with benefits."

3. There is a better relationship with both sets of parents. When men and women respect each other, their love matures and improves their friendship with both sets of parents. Generally, parents prefer their unmarried children to live lives of sexual continence, and they are concerned if they know their children are sexually active without being married. When a couple knows they have to hide their sexual relations, their guilt and stress grow. Couples who decide to wait relate more amicably with their own parents and with their beloved’s parents.

4. You feel more free to question whether you should continue the relationship. Sexual relationships have the power to strongly unite two people, and can prolong an unhealthy relationship based on physical attraction or the need for security. A person may feel "trapped" in a relationship that they would like to end, but they can’t find their way out.  A person who is not having sex can more easily break the emotional bond to the other, because there has not been such powerful intimacy on the physical level. Moreover, if the woman gets pregnant, both partners do not feel as free to decide to get separated, get married, go to work, and so on.

5. It encourages generosity instead of selfishness. Sexual relations in dating can lead to selfishness and a focus on self-satisfaction. They can lead people to feel like they are competing with others whom their partner may find more attractive. It fosters insecurity and selfishness, because when you get sexually intimate, the tendency is to ask for more and more.

6. There is less risk of physical or verbal abuse. Sex outside of marriage is associated with violence and other forms of abuse. For example, there is more than twice the physical aggression among couples living together without any commitment than among married couples. There is less jealousy and less selfishness in dating couples who decide to postpone sexual activity than in those who are driven by passion.
7. It increases the repertoire of ways to show affection. The couple who practices abstinence finds new ways to show affection; they must use inventiveness and ingenuity to have a good time and to demonstrate their interest in each other. The relationship becomes stronger as they have more opportunities to get to know each other’s character and habits, and learn the ways to maintain the relationship.

8. The couple is more likely to succeed in marriage. Research has shown that couples who have cohabited are more likely to divorce than those who have not cohabited.

9. If you decide to break off the relationship, it will hurt less. The ties that sexual activity forms bind us strongly to the other person, so if there is a break-up, the resulting pain is more intense. When you have not been physically intimate and decide to break up, the separation is less devastating.

10. Most importantly, you’ll feel better about yourself. Sexually active adolescents often lose their self-esteem and admit that they live with guilt. When they decide to let go of physical intimacy, they feel new and grow as people. They enhance their intellectual, artistic, and social potential as they put all that creative energy into developing their talents.
Considering this information, it is well commended and should be recommend to the young people and those who are still unmarried.
Credit:, Chidi Obasi

June 27, 2016

Trends Wouldn't be Caught Dead in Today's world

Trends From the Early 2000s You Wouldn't be Caught Dead in Today. Well, it will get lost no matter the decade.

In hindsight, those long, pointy toes made everyone's feet look about three sizes larger than they actually were, but, at the time, everyone just thought they looked cool AF.

Britney Spears at the premiere of Crossroads on Feb. 11, 2002.

Mariah Carey at the launch party for Blink 102.7 on April 10, 2003.

The little flare made them sort of like peplum skirts, without the skirt part.

Paris Hilton at the premiere of Final Flight of the Osiris on Feb. 4, 2003.

Joke Silver

Joke Silver Born in Lagos, on the 29th of September 1961 into a family of four children, she attended Holy Child College in Lagos, after which she studied English at the University of Lagos. She is married to Olu Jacobs.  She is an actress and director. She has received several awards and nominations for her work as an actress.

Oluchi Onweagba

Oluchi Onweagba is a Nigerian model. She was born August 1, 1982 (age 32), Lagos and she got married to Luca Orlandi in 2005. They have two children.

Omotola Jalade Ekeinde is an actress

Omotola Jalade Ekeinde is an actress, singer, philanthropist and former model of an Ondo descent from Lagos, Nigeria. Since her Nollywood film debut in 1995, the leading actress has appeared in 300 films, selling millions of video copies. She is married to Captain Ekeinde Mattew in 1996. They have four children.

June 23, 2016

10 Things Men Forget To Do During S**

Couple in bed

This article is for partners/couple and can help build good relationship/marriage
No one on earth is quite as pleased as a man who has just pleased a woman between the sheets. We love the care and attention you’ve paid to us for our own benefit, but we also love watching you bask in self-satisfaction. But as satisfied as you might be with yourself, sometimes we’re not quite as satisfied as you’d hoped: something relatively minor, but highly distracting, was a bit “off.”

Don’t be offended, darlings, but a few nips and tucks in your bedroom style might speed things along (in a good way)—leaving us more time for another go at it!

1. The cli**ris is right there. Yes, right there. Not over here, not down there, not off to the side. It doesn’t move. Try to stay focused and play with the clit!

2. Take your socks off. Not a single thing is sexy about a man who is naked except for his socks.

3. Lubricant, lubricant, lubricant. We may feel “so wet” to you from our own fluids, but we actually need to be pretty drenched with water-based lube for business time.
Read More of the 10 Things Men Forget to do during s*x.

June 19, 2016

Why I don’t wear pants, It really make sense (Read)

Decency is the character of woman and that  gives the real picture of what she is and will be if she goes in with you as a wife or friend.
It may not may how sweet and sexy a lady dress that will make her appealing to a man but the more decent she is the more glaring it becomes. Mind you, it is a matter of choice and that must be outlined.

Here is what Baby Blanche said concerning wearing panties
“I love all kinds of lingerie that make a woman feminine because I’m a woman, but I hardly wear panties. This is not because I don’t want to wear them but because the clothes I love to wear wouldn’t permit me to,” she told Showbiz.
 “I try as much as possible to act as a lady and not to let my panty lines show just because I like to wear dresses that hug my figure. So if I wear clothes and the outline of my panty is glaring like that I don’t like it,” she explained. 
“Being a lady is not only about wearing make-up and Brazilian hair but also comprises the propriety of whatever you’re wearing,” says Baby Blanche. 
She adds that she does not worry much about thoughts that she may be sexually assaulted by unscrupulous men because she makes sure she doesn’t go to awkward places at awkward hours.

June 14, 2016

Couple Good Sex Tips For Better And Healthier Marriage

Welcome to the exiciting moment  on Naija365 Social & Dating
This is Article is for the Married Couples and it will help guide and also build a better sex and healthier life

To really blow his mind, break out the bling-bling and wear nothing but jewelry to bed: It'll fulfill his Vegas-showgirl fantasy. Graze the nape of his neck with your chandelier earrings. Slip on a stack of bangles and create a clamor under the comforter. Or skim your superlong strand of faux pearls up and down his legs. (Earn bonus points if you tie him to the bedpost with them.)

Celebs are always (tastefully, for the most part) displaying their public affection, whether it be on the red carpet or courtside at the big game. Take a cue from your favorite famous pair and show your hubby how much you love him when the two of you are out and about.

No, we're not suggesting you wear leather; just take charge in the bedroom. Order him to strip, then to kiss your toes, then your calves, then your knees, then your....

Trust us: There's a link between working up a sweat and having hot sex. When your blood is really pumping, your orgasms are more intense. For maximum mojo, hit the gym together late in the day, as close to your personal blastoff time as possible.

Instead of parking your hands in his hair or on the small of his back, keep your fingertips—with their oh-so-sensitive nerve endings—roaming over his body. This extrasensory experience will supersize both your pleasure and his.

Transform standard missionary-style sex into sizzling passion with one of these position-switching moves: 1. Stick a pillow under your butt—the lift will make sure you're rubbed in the most intense way. 2. Once he's inside you, squeeze your legs together for a more tantalizing fit. 3. Pull your legs up around the sides of his thighs; then gently push his tush with your soles.

Remember in high school, when you got a rush from sharing the same cone with a guy? Next time you're Ben & Jerry's bound, split a scoop with your sweetie. Be sure to lick the drips off his fingers and chin.

Just once—heck, make that once a day—treat yourself to a head-thrown-back, big-screen smooch. Or try this riveting slow-motion twist: Grab him by his tie, reel him in, and plant your luscious, lingering lips on him. Who does that kind of thing, anyway? Why, you two do!

June 11, 2016

The Reason You Should Never Wear any Underwear to Bed at Night

No Panties to Bed

Naija365 Social and Dating
One of our fears with sleeping totally n*ked is that should something terrible happen (touch wood), we can’t think of much worse than a paramedic, police officer or fireman arriving on the scene to find us completely starkers.

Therefore, many of us sleep in pyjamas in winter, and underwear in summer. However it turns out the latter could be doing more harm than good.

According to health professionals, going commando at night is necessary to let your nether regions “breathe” and to avoid infection.

“I often tell my patients to sleep without underwear,” Dr Alyssa Dweck told Shape. “If [the area] is constantly covered – especially by a fabric that’s not moisture-wicking or absorbent – moisture collects, [creating the] perfect breeding ground for bacteria or yeast.”

In spite of this, one study found that only 18 per cent of women go pants-less for bed, the magazine reported.

If you can’t forgo the undies for the night, Dweck recommends wearing a loose-fitting cotton pair.

“If there’s ever a time to break out the granny panties, this would be it,” she said.

The same rationale goes for men, who are just as prone to bacterial infection down there – but there’s also another factor at play for those trying to conceive.

“Your scrotum needs to be just the right temperature in order to optimise sperm production,” urologist Brian Steixner told Men’s Health.

Men who sleep in tight boxers or briefs can compromise the quality of their sperm as their genitals become too warm during the night.

“More bacteria makes for a higher likelihood that any chafed or irritated skin down there becomes infected,” Steixner added.

Fertility aside, there are added benefits to sleeping in the nude too.

“Cooling down will lower your blood pressure, which in turn helps your body activate its ‘rest and digest system’, otherwise known as the parasympathetic nervous system. Cooling down also helps the body release certain hormones and reparative enzymes,” Shawn Stevenson, author of Sleep Smarter, told Mic.

So there you have it – we’ll be breaking out the granny pants (as if we needed an excuse) tonight.
