July 9, 2016

Good news for PDP, the factional leaders begin reconcilation

Senator Ali Modu Sheriff
Senator Ali Modu Sheriff 

Vanguard reports that the factional leaders of the People's Democratic Party (PDP), led by Senator Ali Modu Sheriff and Senator Ahmed Makarfi may have resolved to finally set aside their grievances and give peace a chance.

Report says the warring parties have commenced negotiations on how to move forward.

This was made known to newsmen in Abuja by the immediate past national vice chairman of the PDP for South-South, Dr. Cairo Ojougboh.
He said the Sheriff faction has made its terms for truce known to the Makarfi group through an ‘intermediary.’

He, however, did not disclose the conditions outlined by Sheriff’s camp for peace to reign in the party.

Ojougboh, who was appointed by Senator Sheriff as deputy chairman, insists that Sheriff remains the authentic chairman of the PDP until a properly constituted convention of the party says otherwise.

He noted that Sheriff's insistence to remain as the party's chairman is not borne out of desperation for power, but to put an end to the reign of impunity in the party and returning power to the people it rightly belongs to.

According to him, PDP governors manipulated the recently conducted party congresses in their states, adding that Sheriff has resolved to revisit the congresses nationwide to ensure that the party returns to the grassroots people and not the governors.

Update: Gunshot at Lagos Airport threw people into panic

Update: Gunshot at Lagos Airport threw people into panic

There was a serious pandemonium at the General Aviation Terminal (GAT) of Murtala Mohammed International Airport (MMIA) on Friday following a gunshot which was believed to be an accidental discharge.

 SaharaReport revealed that two people were injured in the incident when a man identified as an orderly of a Senator accidentally fired the gunshots, it was learnt. He was trying to remove the magazine of his gun when the discharge occurred leaving him and another woman injured.

 The incident also caused panic within the terminal as travelers and airport workers scampered for safety on hearing the gunshot.

 Eyewitness report indicated that the security man was to travel on Arik Air and he wanted to dislodge the magazine from the gun in line with standard practice in air travel but incidentally the gun released its bullet. It hit him and the woman on the leg, it was gathered.

 An eyewitness said, "It is a standard practice in air travel for anyone with a gun to pull out the bullet. This is what the security man was trying to do but incidentally the gun released the magazine which splattered and hit him and the woman on the leg as he bent down to pull out the magazine from the gun".

 They, however, trekked out of the terminal to the vehicle that conveyed them to the hospital without any assistance. According to the source, the injury was not that severe. Read more
Source: SaharaReporters

Open Heavens Daily Devotional - The Mighty Deeds of God

Pastor E.A. Adeboye

The Mighty Deeds of God
Open Heavens Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God
Today, Saturday 9, July 2016

The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name. – Exodus 15:3

Read: Exodus 15:1-6 (KJV)

1 Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the LORD, and spake, saying, I will sing unto the LORD, for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea.

2 The LORD is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation: he is my God, and I will prepare him an habitation; my father's God, and I will exalt him.

3 The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name.

4 Pharaoh's chariots and his host hath he cast into the sea: his chosen captains also are drowned in the Red sea.

5 The depths have covered them: they sank into the bottom as a stone.

6 Thy right hand, O LORD, is become glorious in power: thy right hand, O LORD, hath dashed in pieces the enemy.

Bible in One Year: Romans 7:7-9:29, Psalms 5

One attribute of the Almighty God that children of God cannot afford to be ignorant of is that He is the Greatest Warrior. The children of Israel experienced the mighty deeds of God and they spontaneously composed a song as we read in our text for today:

“The Lord is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation: he is my God, and I will prepare him an habitation; my father’s God, and I will exalt him. The Lord is a man of war: the Lord is his name. Pharaoh’s chariots and his host hath he cast into the sea: his chosen captains also are drowned in the Red sea.” - Exodus 15:1-4

When children of God fail to recognise the fact that their Father in Heaven is a Man of war, the tendency is that they cringe and bow to worship their enemies in fear. This in turn will bring the judgement of God upon their lives because God says in Exodus 20:3 that we must have no other god before Him. This is why Jesus Christ came to deliver those who, for the fear of death, have subjected themselves to everlasting bondage;

“14 Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; 15 And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.” - Hebrews 2:14-15

I have seen the mighty deeds of God in my life and I have come to the conclusion that there is no god as mighty as my Daddy in Heaven, the Lord of hosts. One day I was travelling with my driver and we got to the middle of a narrow bridge that could take only one vehicle at a time before we discovered that a truck was coming from the opposite direction on the same bridge. It was the mighty deed of God that made the bridge “elastic” for my car and the truck to pass without colliding with each other. I pray for someone using this devotional; the mighty deeds of God will produce your desired miracle today in Jesus’ name. For you to experience the mighty deeds of God, you must be one of His own.

The Israelites experienced the mighty deeds of God because they belonged to Him. To experience the mighty deed of God, you need to be born-again. The Israelites were covenant people and so God kept His covenant of great deliverance with them such that the enemies that pursued them to the Red Sea were never seen again. The mighty deeds of God will become a daily occurrence in your life if you can identify with the covenant which Jesus made with His blood at Calvary. May the Almighty God cause great deliverance to an oppressed user of this devotional today in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Point:
Father, please make me experience your mighty deeds this season in Jesus’ name.

Today's Daily Manna Devotional written by Pastor W.F. Kumuyi - Among The Number

Daily Manna Devotional written by Pastor W.F. Kumuyi

Among The Number
Welcome to today's Daily Manna Devotional written by Pastor W.F. Kumuyi
Today, Saturday July 9, 2016
Text: 1 Chronicles 11:26-47

Key Verse:
"Also the valiant men of the armies were, Asahel the brother of Joab, Elhanan the son of Dodo of Bethlehem" (1 Chronicles 11:26).

Those who do extraordinary things will always be counted. The Book of Numbers 25:7, 8, has an account of a worthy exploit by a young man who hated sin and moved to defend God. For that singular act, he wrote his name in gold. In today's text, David's success to bring the nation under his rule was because he had surrounded himself with very capable men. These mighty men aligned themselves with David, while Saul was still reigning.

They had great influence in the lives of the people when David eventually ascended the throne. You will recall that these valiant men had risked their lives to bring David water, but he refused to drink it. Their daring venture had manifested the extremity of their loyalty to him.
By the same token, David's refusal to drink the water also manifested how deeply he valued their lives. These valiant men were listed in the text today, including the names of their fathers. It goes to show that everyone's work is being recorded and published against the individual's name.

We are challenged to stand up to be counted among those who risk their lives for the sake of the gospel. There were multitudes of men in Israel at that time; but only a few were marked out. Stand up for the gospel and strive never to be left out from the number of valiant and selfless men who invested their all into the gospel.

Thought for the day: 
Those who never dare to take risk die without garlands.

Bible Reading in one Year: 2 KINGS 20 - 21

July 8, 2016

Shocking! 38 years Horny Zookeeper Impregnated a female Orangutan

The 38-year-old zookeeper impregnated a female orangutan

Sometimes when some certain things happened it keep you wondering why and what is really happening. Man and Animal sexual relationship is becoming common in the asian, european and American part of the world. It is certain something is definitely wrong somewhere.
According to Kalimantan Press, a  zoo keeper at Indonesia’s Surabaya zoo has landed in trouble after he was arrested and charged with impregnating a female orangutan.

The 38-year-old zoo keeper was filmed in full action by a series of hidden cameras put in place by the zoo’s security officials after doubts emerged about the man’s devious actions towards the zoo animals. He was caught on camera having sexual intercourse with the animals.

“Some animals seemed sexually aroused when it was time to feed them” explains Akhiroel Yahya, employee of the zoo for 14 years. “But what made us most suspicious was when we discovered Marylin, our oldest orangutan, was pregnant. She has never been in contact with any other orangutans because of her aggressive nature, so it didn’t make any sense” he acknowledges, visibly troubled by the news.

Then out of curiosity and desire to know, the zoo officials decided on what to do.

“At first, we clearly did not comprehend what had happened,” admits the zoo’s director, Abdoel Hakim. “Marilyn has been secluded for the past 10 years, it was a total mystery,” he acknowledges. “It is only when we placed several hidden cameras that we learned the horrible truth” he admits, visibly angered by the whole situation.

However, the zoo keeper had denied everything. He denied any wrong doing on his part.

“He said everything he had done was consensual,” explains police chief Abubakar Jaar. “He said he loved each and everyone of the animals and was very sorry he had impregnated the orangutan,” he told local reporters. “He says he did not know orangutans could get pregnant from humans,” he added.

“Contrary to popular belief, the orangutan species is much closer to the human species than chimpanzees. We share practically the same DNA code, with only minute differences, which could explain the orangutan falling pregnant from this man” explains Paleobiologist Bachtiar Pado Panghulu, of the University of Jakarta.

“Particularly in Indonesia, the genetic profile of some of the population is extremely close to the orangutan species, leading us to believe they’re might have been a common ancestor to both species only a few hundred thousand years ago,” he admits.

Health concern! Signs and Symptoms You Might Have Cancer

Health concern! Signs and Symptoms You Might Have Cancer

According to Wikipedia, Cancer is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. Not all tumors are cancerous; benign tumors do not spread to other parts of the body.
Millions of people are living with cancer in the UK, but the survival rate can be high if it is spotted early

Cancer is one of the biggest killers in the UK, and over 2.5 million people are currently living with some form of the disease.

But as new treatments are developed and campaigns, such as Race for Life and Movemember, raise awareness of symptoms, the deaths caused by cancer have dropped. In the past decade alone there has been a 10 per cent decrease in death rates, BBC News reported.

And while cancers can be caused by genetics and environmental factors that are out of our control, 30 per cent of cancers worldwide could be prevented by leading a healthy lifestyle and being immunized against viruses such as HPV and HBV, according to the World Health Organisation.
Below are the symptoms of the most common types of cancer in the UK.

Lung cancer
One of the most serious forms of the disease, around 44,500 people are diagnosed with lung cancer each year. The chance of survival is 5 per cent, and around 35,000 people will die of the disease each year. However, 89 per cent of cases are preventable.

There are two forms of primary lung cancer: the term used to describe the disease when it has not spread to other parts of the body.

More than 80 per cent of cases are non-small-cell lung cancer, which fall into the categories of squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma or large-cell carcinoma. Each of these forms attack different areas of the lung.

Small-cell lung, or oat-cell, cancer is rarer, but is more aggressive than non-small-cell. The vast majority of patients with oat-cell cancer are smokers, according to Cancer Research UK.

Symptoms: Feeling breathless and having a persistent cough, as well as an aching or feeling pain when breathing or coughing are all symptoms of lung cancer. Coughing up blood or rust-coloured spit or phlegm, as well as repeatedly having infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia are signs, too.
Sudden and unexplained tiredness and weight loss can also be caused by the disease.

Public Health England in 2013 launched a campaign urging people not to ignore persistent coughs, as almost 24,000 people a year in England are diagnosed with the disease at the earliest stage when treatment is most likely to be successful.

Also known as colon or rectal cancer, bowel cancer affects around one in 20 people in the UK, with around 41,000 people diagnosed with it each year. Over 16,000 of those patients will die of the disease. It has a survival rate of 57 per cent, and can be prevented in 54 per cent of cases.

It is most common in the over 60s; those with a diet low in fibre and high in red and processed meat; the overweight; and those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Drinking and smoking can also heighten the risk, as well as a family history of the condition.

Symptoms: Bowel cancer can be easily mistaken for other illnesses because the signs are common in many conditions.
Blood in your stools and pain in the abdomen can be caused by bowel cancer. Changes in bowel movements - such as constipation or diarrhea - that last for more than a few days are also linked to the disease.

But these are also common in people with haemorrhoids or those whose eating habits have changed, according to the NHS. In the latest stages, weight loss, pain when eating and bloating become evident.

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in the UK, but lung cancer is the deadliest according to Cancer Research UK. The majority of people who get breast cancer are women over the age of 65, however younger women and men can also develop the disease.

Each year, over 53,000 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed, but it has a survival rate of 78 per cent, meaning it causes over 11,000 deaths annually. It can be prevented in 27 per cent of cases.

Symptoms: Many people know that breast cancer is signaled by unusual lumps and thickening in the breast, but campaigners have urged that are other warnings signs that are unknown.

The charity Breast Cancer Care is among organisations to urge the public to be wary of all the symptoms of the disease. A change in the size, shape or skin on the breast; swelling in the armpit; and constant pain in the area can signal breast cancer. However, the nipples can also be affected. Redness, a rash or discharge coming from the nipple are all signs of the disease.

While lumps in the breast generally aren't cancerous, the NHS urges people to visit their GP if they notice anything unusual.

This form of cancer only affects men, because it is found in the satsuma-sized prostate gland located between the penis and the bladder. Over 47,000 new cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed each year. But it has a high survival rate of 84 per cent. Almost 11,000 people die of the disease each year. There are no clear ways of preventing prostate cancer, according to Cancer Research UK.
Symptoms: In the early stages, prostate cancer does not cause any symptoms for many years, meaning it is usually caught when it is developed.
The condition is usually picked up when the gland becomes so large that it affects the function of the urethra and makes passing urine more frequent, slower and weaker.

Blood in the urine and erectile dysfunction are also signs. If the cancer pushes against the spinal cord, weakness or numbness in the legs or feet and the loss of bladder and bowel control can also occur.

However, difficulty passing urine can also be a sign of a common condition called benign prostatic hyperplasia, where the inner part of the prostate continues to grow as men get older.

Source: Cancer Research UK

Nigerian Music Celebrity, Flavour donated food to widows

When society give to you just you were received that you were also expected to give.
N'Abania crooner, Flavour on Thursday, July 7, donated food items to some widows in Enugu. The singer, who is currently on set in the Coal city, wrote:

"Charity begins at home. I had the honour and pleasure of visiting and spending some quality time with a strong force of women, here today in Enugu. These women, who are widowed, stand united in their zest for life and support for one another. I was truly touched by their stories and will never forget this visit. Below is a stunning photos

Dallas Sniper suspect killed by bomb robot was US Soldier who served in Afghanistan.

Dallas Sniper suspect killed by bomb robot was US Soldier who served in  Afghanistan.

So much has happened within the week which has led to the protest by blacks condemning the killings of black unarmed men, more so has generated concern in the globe.
Mirror reports Dallas Sniper suspect killed by bomb robot was US Soldier who served in  Afghanistan.
 An ex army veteran used his military training to carry out a coordinated ambush which left five police officers dead.

Former corporal Micah Xavier Johnson used an AR-15 style rifle to target white officers at a Black Lives Matter protest in Dallas, Texas on Thursday night.

Horrifying footage emerged showing a police officer being executed at point blank range and another from a man who live streamed the shocking scenes.

25-year-old Johnson's massacre ended after an intense firefight with police when he was blown up by a robot sent in carrying a bomb.

Three other people, two men and a woman, were arrested but officials have said Johnson was a lone gunman.

Three of the five victims have been named - police officers Michael Krol, 40, and Patrick Zamarripa, 32, plus Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) Officer Brent Thompson, 43.

Racial tensions have been rising across the country after the shooting dead of several unarmed black men
Source: mirror

Mission Accomplished as Niger Delta Miliants blew up pipeline

Oil pipeline

It was said and it was done as said.
Suspected militants in the early hours of Friday blew up the Tebidaba-Brass Nigeria Agip Oil Company, NAOC pipeline. Also affected are the Goulubokiri Manifold and Lasukugbene pipeline.

Bayelsa state Commandant of the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps,NSCDC, Desmond Agu, who confirmed the incident said men of the Command on surveillance exchanged gun fire with the vandals.

Agu said: “Reports from the swamp area indicates that last night(early hours of this morning) a gang of heavily armed youths with two double 200hp speedboats used explosives to blast three different points on the Tebidaba-Brass NAOC pipeline.”

I'm just disappointed in this America, Jay Z reacts to black men killings

I'm just disappointed in this America, Jay Z reacts to black men killings

Latest on Jay Z statement concerning the killings of black men in yhe US. His statement is now making some noise in the social media.
Jay Z has released a new track called "spiritual" in the wake of the latest incidents of police brutality that claimed the lives of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile this week. In a note posted to Tidal's Twitter account, the rapper says that while he started working on the song almost a year ago, he "sadly" knew "this issue will always be relevant."

He added: "I'm saddened and disappointed in THIS America - we should be further along. WE ARE NOT.

I trust God and know everything that happens is for our greatest good, but man ... it's tough right now." In the track, which is available on Tidal,

Jay Z raps: "I am not poison, just a boy from the hood that got my hands in the air with despair, don't shoot, I just wanna do good." Listen to the song and read Jay Z's full statement below.

Dallas police shooting: Live updates as five officers killed 'by snipers' during Black Lives Matters protects

Following the shooting of black men this, five police officers have been killed after alleged snipers fired shots injuring seven officers and two civilians during a protest

A suspect died as police detonated a bomb attached to a robot after talks had broken down.

Three people, two men and a woman, have been taken into custody after the ambush shooting on Thursday night, which police described as 'carefully planned and executed'. Continue reading

Federal High Court dismisses the Tax Certificate forgery suit against Okezie Ikpeazu and affirms him as Abia State Governor,

Governor Okezie Ikpeazu of Abia State.

Reports and update on Abia state governorship tussle.
 Justice A.I Allagoa of the Federal High Court in Owerri, has affirmed the election of Governor Okezie Ikpeazu of Abia State. Former governorship aspirant, Barr. Friday Nwosu also dragged Governor Okezie Ikpeazu to court over alleged forged tax certificates. However, the court ruled today that the plaintiff, (Nwosu) was unable to prove that the tax documents where forged and dismissed the matter.

In a related development, an Abia State High Court in Osisioma granted a motion filed by Ikpeazu for extension of the order restraining the Chief Judge of Abia State, the President Abia State Customary Court of Appeal and any other judicial officer from swearing in Mr. Uche Ogah, as governor of the state. The order was extended to 18th July, 2016.

The conspiracy theorists have started. They think white supremacists killed the Dallas police officers to start a race war

According to MediaTakeOut.com report
MTO just received some Blockbuster information According to an insider at CNN, the Dallas shooters are what police are calling ‘Whit Nationalist’.
A CNN insider spoke with MediaTakeOut.com on the condition of anonymity. They claim that the police have asked the network to not release details of the shooter, until authorities have time to conduct full searches of all the suspects homes.

We’re told that while negotiating with on of the suspected shooters, the shooter told officers that they were looking to “start a race war”. We’re also told that “Donald Trump’s” name was brought up.

Another story...
MediaTakeOut.com just received some more INCREDIBLE details from a source within CNN. According to our insider, the gun man was able to “walk up and shoot officers at point blank range.”
The insider claims that officers were ‘Caught off guard” because they profiled the shooters as African American, given that the incident occurred at a Black Lives Matter gathering.

News on the shooting is still coming in and not completely vetted. But if this is the case, it shows the HORRIBLE DANGERS of racial profiling. It may have cost at least one police officer HIS LIFE!!
Source:, lindaikejisblog

Throwback: The Most Desirable Hottest Indian Celebrities

Throwback of the most diresable hottest celebrity in Indian. One thing Paramount in India is that all the female celebrity are all elegantly beautiful and hot.
Hey they look charming and sexy. In fact their beauties are just perfect you can think. Do you think of a relationship, marriage or friendship? Think India a right place for you? Then check out this stunning and hottest photos

Love tip: How to improve and last longer on bed to save your relationship

Love tip: How to improve and last longer on bed to save your relationship

Sincerely the most likely problems couple face in marital relationship is all tied down to bed activity (sex). It is cause a lot of problems and has broken many marriages.
It ha also left some couple confused, in dilemma and finally frustrated. But there is a hope as per to garnish, revive your sex life again without regretting why you are together.

To tell you the truth sex is the fountain and beautifer of every marital relationship therefore should not be over looked neither throw aside for some other important things.

You’ve tried crunching baseball stats. You've mentally replayed your last round of golf. You've outlined the steps to making your favorite sandwich. But the more you try to last longer in bed, the faster you finish—and you’re not alone.

“Premature ejaculation is a problem that affects almost every man at some point in his life,” says Thomas J. Walsh, M.D., a urologist at theUniversity of Washington. Continue as you unleash the potential solutions
Credit: men's health, Chidi obasi

X-factor Returns Nicole Scherzinger and Simon Cowell stuns in X-rated top as she gears up

Nicole Scherzinger and Simon Cowell

X-factor returns with a grand stlye: In a daring crossover top which spells out where her loyalties lie, Nicole Scherzinger , 37, poses with Simon Cowell , 56 on the set of The X Factor .

Former Pussycat Doll Nicole replaces Cheryl Fernandez-Versini on the panel of the ITV show which is holding auditions in London.

ITV consider her a ratings winner when the X Factor returns to our screen later this year - and you can see why.
And it was all change again later when Nicole hit the town.

The 38-year-old - who last week was snapped partying until 5:30am with Rihanna and Drake - donned a sexy graphic-print dress as she headed to the Chiltern Firehouse in London on Wednesday night.
As she arrived at the famous celeb haunt, Nicole flashed her toned and tanned legs in the monochrome dress, which featured a thigh-high split and sheer floor-length panel.

Nicole - who will appear alongside returning judges Sharon Osbourne and Louis Walsh - styled her hair into an updo.

The stunner added a flash of silver eyeliner to draw attention to her eyes and let the rest of her flawless features do the talking with minimal make-up

Seed of Destiny Devotional wrtten by Dr. Paul Eneche - Channels Of Blessing

Dr. Paul Eneche - Channels Of Blessing

Channels Of Blessing
Welcome to today's Seed of Destiny Devotional wrtten by Dr. Paul Eneche
Today, Friday, 8 July 2016

SCRIPTURE: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: – Genesis 12:2

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Before any ancestral curse existed, the blessing was on ground.

One of the easiest realms to operate on earth is walking in the blessing of God. It is easier for a man to be blessed than to be cursed. This is because at creation, God imparted the blessing on man. Before any ancestral curse ever existed, the blessing was on ground.

The major reason God blesses a person is so that the person can be a blessing to his or her generation. Everyone is blessed to the capacity of his or her readiness to bless others. God does not have a challenge with blessing you as long as you do not struggle with being a blessing to others.

There are diverse avenues for the blessing that God has opened in order for us to become channels of blessings to our generation.

Now, what are these channels or avenues of the blessing?
1. The Tithe
2. First fruit
3. Free will offering
4. Kingdom project
5. Sacrificial giving
6. Vows
7. Thanksgiving offering
8. Prophetic/priestly offering
9. Giving to the poor/underprivileged
10. The parental giving

I decree upon you that as you engage in giving through these channels, every unbroken and hidden curse in your life is broken today in Jesus’ Name.

Remember this: Before any ancestral curse ever existed, the blessing was on ground.

1. Do not wait until you have so much before you give; start with what you have.
2. Strive to be an asset and a blessing, not a liability to your generation.

PRAYER: LORD, I ask for the grace to be a selfless giver. Help me LORD to be a channel of blessing to my generation in Jesus’ Name.


QUOTE: Let your desire to satisfy people be higher than your desire to make money, and money will naturally flow in your direction. Culled from 365 WISDOM CAPSULES by Dr Paul Enenche

AMAZING FACT: The eye is the same size from birth but the ears and nose never stop growing.

TODAY IN HISTORY – 08/07/1608: The first French settlement at Quebec was established by Samuel de Champlain.

DAILY READING: 1 Chronicles 5:18 to 6:81, Acts 26:1 to 32, Psalm 6:1 to 10, Proverbs 18:20 to 21.

The Seed of Destiny Devotional was written by Dr. Paul Enenche, the Senior Pastor Dunamis International Gospel Centre

Euro 2016: France Glory as Former team mates meet, CR7 vs. Evra

Euro 2016: CR7 vs. Evra

Euro 2016 finals is a fight deserved for host. It is a fight to finish and it has paid off for final glory.
France will face Portugal in the Euro 2016 final after Antoine Griezmann's double sealed a 2-0 win over Germany - check out five facts from their victory...
France are the first host nation to reach a European Championship final twice (also in 1984).
It will a battle for former team mate of Manchester United, Patrice Evra and Cristano Ronaldo
Below are stunning and memorable photos

photos credit: mirror.co.uk, Reuters

Beyond Rejection - Daily Manna Devotional written by Pastor W.F Kumuyi

Beyond Rejection - Daily Manna Devotional written by Pastor W.F Kumuyi

Beyond Rejection
Welcome to today's Daily Manna Devotional written by Pastor W.F Kumuyi
Today, Friday July 8, 2016

Text: LUKE 4:15-22
Key Verse: "And all bare him witness, and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth. And they said, Is not this Joseph's son?" (Luke 4:22).

Every man that is born of God has treasures of divine deposits and wealth inside him. A man's treasure or potentials are God's investments in his life. They are seeds of greatness planted in your life for optimum living.
You May Also Like to Read: Danger of Pride
God brings the knowledge of these treasures to our notice in the form of dreams, revelations, gifts, talents, prophecy, and call to ministry. These potentials are given for our benefits and that of humanity. God, like an entrepreneur, expects that His people exploit and make a positive use of their potentials maximally and in such a way that it would profit Him.

Everyone knew who Jesus was. They may have expected Him to make some pronouncements about His person, but He claimed to be the specific fulfilment of Isaiah's prophecies concerning the Messiah. It was difficult for them to accept these words from the mouth of a "carpenter's son". They could accept Him as a good teacher but not as the Messiah of Israel.

It does not really matter what men think of you. What really counts is what God thinks about you. The world may take you for nonentity, but God knows that you are a firebrand in His hand. Rather than brood over rejection, launch out in your strength and allow God to display the innate talents in you to His glory alone. Jesus did not go to the synagogue to advertise Himself. He was there to teach "as his custom was. " He was quiet, down-to-earth and humane person as He went into the synagogue. He maintained the composure even after he had read what prophet Isaiah had said concerning Him.

There was no self-exaltation, no flaunting of credentials. Yet, people saw the wisdom He displayed while reading the Scriptures. If you are therefore an out-crop of Jesus, how you need to daily radiate His glory and exude His excellent credentials.

Thought for the day: Those who are eager to direct attention at themselves often get God's inattention.

Bible Reading in one Year: 2 KINGS 18 - 19

Sad! Beyonce Concert came under violence

Sad! Beyonce Concert came under violence

Few hours late night of thursday according to mirror, the superstar, Beyonce Hampden park live concert was obstructed with violence which the stewards to a barrier in the stadium.

Also Read: Beyonce show off butty to fans

The superstar's performance was under way at Hampden Park in Glasgow, Scotland, when concert-goers started 'scrapping', eye-witnesses say.
A Beyonce concert reportedly descended into violence tonight as a fight broke out, forcing stewards to form a 'human barrier' in the crowd.
Sad! Beyonce Concert came under violence

Stewards in hi-vis jackets had to form a barrier in the stadium - which apparently prevented people from getting back to their seats, the Daily Record reports.

One appalled man tweeted: "Beyonce performance marred by fighting", later adding: "Beyonce fans = Scotland shame. Can't even go to a gig without scrapping." Continue reading

Credit: mirror.co.uk, chidi obasi

FOOLISHNESS IN VOW TAKING - Open Heavens devotional with Pastor E. A Adeboye

 Pastor E. A  Adeboye

Welcome to today's Open Heavens devotional with Pastor E. A  Adeboye, the General Overseer, the Redeemed Christian Church of God
Today, Friday, 8 July 2016

Memorise: Better is it that thou shouldest not vow, than that thou shouldest vow and not pay. Ecclesiastes 5:5

Read: Psalms 15:1-4, (KJV)
1 Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill?
2 He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart.
3 He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbour, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour.
4 In whose eyes a vile person is contemned; but he honoureth them that fear the Lord. He that sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not.

Bible in one year: Romans 4-7:6, Psalms 3-4

There will be both pleasant and unpleasant surprises in Heaven. The reason being that many who we think will not make it to Heaven will make it in, just like the robber on the right hand of the Cross of Jesus Christ did. The Bible says;

“But if the wicked turn from his wickedness, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall live thereby.”
Ezekiel 33:19

The lawful thing for the wicked to do is to repent, as God is more than willing to forgive and to cleanse him from all unrighteousness (1st John 1:7-9). However, the Bible equally says:
“When the righteous turneth from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, he shall even die thereby.”
Ezekiel 33:18

One deadly habit of some 21st century Christians is making a vow and not fulfilling it. This is foolishness of the highest order. The Bible warns us against making vows and not fulfilling them. One of such cases is when funds are being raised for the work of God; careless children of God make very big vows ‘in faith’ that they are not able to fulfil. You hear them saying, “God understands!” How dangerous. Our memory verse says;
“Better is it that thou shouldest not vow, than that thou shouldest vow and not pay.”
Ecclesiastes 5:5

Verse 6 of the same scripture further say:
“Suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin; neither say thou before the angel, that it was an error; wherefore should God be angry at thy voice, and destroy the work of thine hands?”

Worse still, despite being capable of paying their vows, some refuse to, even after God has fulfilled His own part. Nothing could be more dangerous than this.

An aspect of vows that is even more delicate is the marriage vow. People no longer accept the fact that marriage vows remain valid until death separates the husband from the wife or vice versa. They give flimsy excuses for divorcing their spouses. Like one of my children would ask: “When you were saying ‘for better and for worse’, did you put a limit to the extent of the worse you were talking about?” You should never consider breaking your marriage vows. God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16)

Beloved, always keep and pay your vows, and if you have broken your business or marriage vow, repent, restitute and reconcile before it is too late. Covenant breakers will not enter into the Kingdom of God.

Action Point
Think of all the unfulfilled vows you have made and make amends without further delay.

Hilarious! THE Theories OF THE MOON that has gone viral

The Theories OF THE MOON
This post is absolutely hilarious and has gone viral already on the social media. it is just superb and comic. Guys can think of something crazy, trust me naija guys are never idle.
*The Theories OF THE MOON*

-The sighting of the moon was Inconclusive

-The sighting of the moon has been adjourned till tomorrow.
*Abuja Federal High Court*

-The sighting of the moon has been altered. A moon sighting committee will be set-up to be headed by Sen. David Mark (Chairman Senate committee on Observation).

-The moon has already been sighted tomorrow.
*Lai Mohammed*

-The anomally in the crescentic illumna of the moon in the atmospheric galaxy is tantamount to more crinkum crankum & hoola-baloo.
*Patrick Obahiagbon*

-The APC was the cause of the moon not sighted in Nigeria.

-We will create another moon for Nigerians.

-Due to none sighting of the Moon, the Board of the Ulamas has been dissolved.

-We blew up the moon and we will blow up more moons
*Niger Delta Avengers.*

-We are responsible for the absence of the moon in the sky.
*Boko Haram*

-Those responsible for the missing moon will soon be apprehended and charged accordingly. We already have evidence.

-We have several designs of the moon for sale.

-We know where the moon is but we dont want to say.

Happy Sallah to all, Our holiday continues!!!

July 7, 2016

Shocking! Federal Road Safety officers in a mortal combat with a taxi

 Somewhere in Ede-epie, in Yenagoa Bayelsa, naija365 team caught on camera two Federal Road Safety Crops in a mortal combat with a taxi driver which seem to be a Yoruba man.
He was stopped at FRSC checking point, he initial stopped while one of the officer dived into the car to discharge the passengers, immediately the taxi guy changed his mind an zoom off only to stop few stone-throw an stopped. Immediately their arguement results to mortal combat.
At this crowd who came to rescue the taxi guy who the FRSC officers have beaten mercilessly. Thank God for the Nigerian Police who came and bought over the case. Trust me..... Na station e go end! lol! See some stunning photos at the scene of the mortal combat. Courtesy of Diamond House Production photo crew.